Donald Locke’s work was showcased at the 2022 FOG Art Fair in San Francisco, CA, and was represented by the Jenkins Johnson Gallery.
The two pieces (right) demonstrate some of Locke’s most innovative styles, including his mixed media ceramics and mixed media collages.
Especially given that Donald’s time in Arizona in the 1970s and 80s had such a huge impact on his artistic career, the Donald Locke Studio was excited for his presence on this major West Coast exhibit.
The Jenkins Johnson Gallery put together a press packet for the fair that you can find here or on the Publications & Media Page for more information.
You can also find more photos of the installation and of the other artists represented on this Jenkins Johnson Gallery website page.
The fair was on view January 19 – 23, 2022.

signed lte, ceramics, steel, vinyl, formica;
17 x 8.5 x 8.5 in

acrylic and collage on canvas;
34.5 x 87″
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